2017 - When We Are Married

2017 When We Are MarriedOur final production of 2017 was J B Priestley’s “When we are Married” which was performed at Frodsham Community Centre from 29th November – 2nd December. This was the third time we’ve performed this classic, timeless comedy – first in 1948 and then again in 1988.

Cast ListCast List

The 3 Happy CouplesThe 3 Happy Couples

Gerald & NancyGerald & Nancy

3 Men3 Men

Soppit, Parker & HelliwellSoppit, Parker & Helliwell

3 Ladies3 Ladies

Gerald gets a grillingGerald gets a grilling

Looks like bad newsLooks like bad news

“I’m done!” Mrs Northrop“I’m done!” Mrs Northrop

Where’s the party?Where’s the party?

Ormonroyd and RubyOrmonroyd and Ruby


The Rev. Mercer arrivesThe Rev. Mercer arrives

Gerald, Nancy & RubyGerald, Nancy & Ruby

Herbert looks indignantHerbert looks indignant

Where's all this leading?Where's all this leading?

Ormonroyd  & LottieOrmonroyd & Lottie

Rev Mercer triesRev Mercer tries

“She’s back!”“She’s back!”

“We’ll have that photo!”“We’ll have that photo!”

The castThe cast