2013 - Loot

2013 LootLoot follows the fortunes of two young thieves, Hal and Dennis. Together they rob the bank next to the funeral parlour where Dennis works and return to Hal’s home to hide the money.

Hal’s mother has just died and the money is hidden in her coffin while her body keeps on appearing around the house.

Upon the arrival of Inspector Truscott, the plot turns topsy-turvy as Hal and Dennis try to keep him off their trail, aided by Nurse McMahon and to the despair of Hal’s father, Mr. McLeavy.

As a play, it satirises not only the issues of bereavement, but the public perspective of the police force with regards to laws and corruption.

Let me tell youLet me tell you

Not impressed.Not impressed.


Your coat.Your coat.

The interrogation.The interrogation.

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